The Odisha Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Board was constituted on 03.01.2004 u/s 18 of the Building and Other Construction Workers (RE & CS)Act, 1996. Subsequently, it was re-constituted on dtd.14.01.2008, 02.08.2011, 17.12.2014 and 07.02.2020. The Labour Commissioner, Odisha is the Member Secretary as well as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board. The Board has its own fund in shape of the Odisha Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Fund under rule 263 of the Orissa Building and Other Construction Workers'(RE & CS) Rules, 2002.
Odisha Building & Other Construction Workers' Welfare Board, Office of the Labour Commissioner, Odisha Unit-3, Kharavel Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.